
PO Box 1073, Saugatuck, MI 49453


Community Engagement

CMFS exists to enrich the community through its concerts and its outreach to students of all ages. Throughout its history, our organization has sponsored an internship program, community concerts, master classes with visiting artists, an art competition at Saugatuck High School, and various musical presentations to grammar and high school students.

Free Community Concerts

Art Contest at Saugatuck Public High School

Always Free Educational Events


Community Engagement

CMFS exists to enrich the community through its concerts and its outreach to students of all ages. Throughout its history, our organization has sponsored an internship program, community concerts, master classes with visiting artists, an art competition at Saugatuck High School, and various musical presentations to grammar and high school students.

Free Community Concerts

Art Contest at Saugatuck Public High School

Always Free Educational Events


Community Engagement

CMFS exists to enrich the community through its concerts and its outreach to students of all ages. Throughout its history, our organization has sponsored an internship program, community concerts, master classes with visiting artists, an art competition at Saugatuck High School, and various musical presentations to grammar and high school students.

Free Community Concerts

Art Contest at Saugatuck Public High School

Always Free Educational Events

Since 1987

Our Mission Statement

The mission of the Chamber Music Festival of Saugatuck is to celebrate and promote the long legacy of live chamber music in our community, and to contribute to our community’s vibrant cultural and artistic diversity.

We realize our mission by presenting a series of live summer chamber concerts in an historic setting that features outstanding artists who are passionate and engaging. By doing so, we strive to sustain the vision of our founders who started this Festival nearly 40 years ago.

We support our mission by sponsoring educational outreach programs to ignite student interest in chamber music and to support the young performing artists who devote part of their music studies to this important genre.

Our Team

Staff, Interns & Board

Meet the hard-working folks behind the scenes. If you'd like to join us, let us know!

Our Team

Staff, Interns & Board

Meet the hard-working folks behind the scenes. If you'd like to join us, let us know!

Board Members

Joe O'Hara

Board President

Doug Walvoord

Vice President & Director of Fundraising

Jan Tripp

Secretary & Communication Director

Tim Chalus


Bill Klatt

Co-Director of Ticket Sales

Jim McHugh

Co-Director of Ticket Sales

Jane Dreyer

Printing & Mailing Director

Lynne Snyder

Director at Large

Advisory Council

Joan Conway

Charter Member

Ruth Hofmeyer

Jim Motiff

Joy Muehlenbeck

Charter Member

Mary Ann Quick

Mike Tischleder


Stay up-to-date with all of the latest CMFS news and events.






Mailing Address

PO Box 1073

Saugatuck, MI 49453

© 2023 by Jenny Walvoord for Chamber Music Festival of Saugatuck


Stay up-to-date with all of the latest CMFS news and events.






Mailing Address

PO Box 1073

Saugatuck, MI 49453

© 2023 by Jenny Walvoord for Chamber Music Festival of Saugatuck


Stay up-to-date with all of the latest CMFS news and events.






Mailing Address

PO Box 1073

Saugatuck, MI 49453

© 2023 by Jenny Walvoord for Chamber Music Festival of Saugatuck