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2024-2025 Donors
Thank you for your support!
Premier Underwriters ($2500+):
Joseph & Rosemary O’Hara
Rudolph & Fernande Prudden
Primary Underwriters ($1000-2499):
Burdick-Thorne Foundation
Tim Chalus & Dan Klask
Joan Conway
Larry Fuerst & Suzanne Scott
David & Susan Hoekema
Bill & Maria Hoekstra
Terry & Ruth Hofmeyer
Bill Klatt & Jim McHugh
Margaret McDermott
Lance Trexler
Doug & Kay Walvoord
West Shore AWARE
Clasina Young
Partial Underwriters ($500-$999):
Donald Bruggink
Ron & Jessie Dalman
Tim Farmer & Tom Slater
Catherine Frecker
Bob & Chris Gamble
Russ Lamesfield & Howard Rochte
Rick & Gayle Lipsig
Fred & Joanna Norris
Mary Ann Quick & David Colwell
Carolyn Richards*
Ray Swierenga
Malcolm & Jan Tripp
Nancy VandeWater
Patron ($250-$499):
Sarah Ash & Todd Oleson
Robert & June Baker*
Richard Bradley
Dennis & Jane Dreyer
Greg & Amanda Dykhouse
Caron Farmer
Fred & Sally Floberg
Marilyn Heiss
Gerald & Mary Hunsburger
Jane Johnson & Skip Keeter
Hung & Elsie Liang Fund for Music
William & Patricia Lint
Kathleen Markland
Carol Niffenegger
Jack & Lee Nyenhuis
Wally Petersen & Mike Tischleder
Philip Raywood
Corwin Stoppel & Patricia Dewey
Ray Swierenga
George & Gail Zainea
George Zulakis & Laura Baird
Sponsor ($100-$249):
David & Lena Bading
Nina Bell
Kathy Bernhardt
Philip Bohlander
John Canfield & Sherry Dwyer
Lee Copenhaver & Janet Carter
Carol Cox
Sue Cunningham
Tom & Lynn Dandridge
Chris & Barb DeRose
Sarah Fash
Sam & Lori Ferlito
Floyd Fleming
Arthur Frederick
Ron & Gail Goldblatt
Robert Golub & Dierdre Dupre
Jim Hanson
Jon Helmrich & Stephen Mottram
Leigh Ann Hirschman
Mark & Giny Hoekman
Thomas & Louise Homburger
Jeff & Becky Israels
Dale & Alice Johnson
William & Jeanne Kendrick
Todd & Anne Klipp
Rich & Linda Marth
David & Margaret Mason
Kari Miller
Greg Mims
Joy Muehlenbeck
Michael Naess
Les & Barb Neuman
David & Laurie Randall
Julie Rubin
John & Margaret Sanford
Fred Sardone & Susan Fall
Richard Shaw & Shirley Sutton
Lynne Snyder
Philip Stockton
Margery VerBeek
Supporter (Up to $99):
Kimberly Jane Bakker
Sue Bohlander
Elaine Fluck
Kenneth & Carol Gold
Gloria Goodwin
Andrew Kantner
George & Roberta Kraft
Thomas Smith
John Sporer
Philip & Diana Stockton
Carol Welz-Gustafson
* This donation supports the
Chamber Music Festival of Saugatuck
Education Fund established in memory of Wayne Richards
Please email us if you have edits: